Nios Deled Assignment Answer 506 507 508 509 510 (English)

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Nios Deled Assignment 506 in English


Q.1. Write down the reasons why it is important for the teacher to know about the role of genetics and the environment. Write cause, why is it important to know the subject of education?

Ans: Education is importantly linked to the growth and development of the child. The development of their abilities, the development of their abilities is the main objective of education. It is said that the child is born with certain innate powers, whose development is in the proper environment Is done by education. Geneticist says that heredity is everything and heredity determines all the qualities of a person. Geneticists are the sum of the properties of a person's birth. In addition, under the environment, they are all factors that influence the child to learn. How will the child develop after conception?
Knowledge of heredity and the role of the environment for a teacher is very important so that he can assist his students in understanding the learning process well. He should study the children, their abilities and their environment simultaneously and develop them. For this purpose, Sorenson has correctly marked that knowledge for the teacher, the relativity of the powers of heredity The impact of this, and human development is a great motivation for the environment and their interactions. The following logic can be argued in favor of the inevitability of the knowledge of heredity and environment for teachers
  1. The background of the learner, such as prior knowledge, intelligence, and family background, lack of interest, interest, and attitude play an important role. Some students remain backward in doing better in other areas of achievement, so a teacher The cognitive environment must be provided and should be treated equally with them. They should inspire l 
  2. There are some people who get distracted by the group's norms due to many factors. Therefore, the teacher should try to know the abilities, abilities, interests, attitudes, abilities and other characteristics of his disciples and in light of this knowledge. They should give individual guidelines for the maximum utility of their intake.
  3. Different teaching methods should be adopted in the class room. It helps different individuals to nurture needs according to their interests and level of understanding. 
  4. The school should be for personality development. The school should take leadership, group dynamics, heredity in the background and organize programs on the environment of the learner. Each school should also have a direction and consultation center and all this should be done. It is possible for educators only if they are fully acquainted with heredity and environment. 
  5. There are various types of powers in the environment such as physical, social, ethical, emotional, economic, political, and cultural powers. A friendly environment nurtures the development of the child's innate abilities, so that teachers are given a good mental environment, workshop, Must try to provide museums, clubs, organizations, debates, seminars etc. and they must be encouraged. 

It is clear from the above explanation that heredity and environmental studies enable teachers to understand the casual factors of individual variation and give class room guidance to minimize variations in learning and provides equal opportunities in classroom teaching. The teacher can adopt an exemplary learning method, use the above mentioned teaching material and gain exposure at a macro level The Rtaon can inspire.

Q.2. Do you feel that gender discrimination is prevailing in our society? Make an appropriate example in favor of your answer.

Ans. After the socialization, the personality of women and men is called gender. It is a social system created by society. The society sets out different roles for women and men. Assessment of work done by woman and man. They also do different ways. It separates women and men in different ways. Thus, gender represents those qualities, ideals, and actions. Land on which women and men are expected society l gender periodically and a culture lives would change in the second l culture in our society, it is still much more widespread gender discrimination.
Society generally hopes to be gentle, cultured, unobtrusive and obedient to girls and hopes to be aggressive, strong, hard, courageous etc., boys celebrate their birthday with great fanfare when the boys are born, whereas girls We do not celebrate happiness at birth. We adhere to the development of boys and girls in different ways. We give boys or girls the admiration or punishment for different reasons. This discrimination in our society is spreading extensively, which can be understood by the examples below:

Sex ratio: - The biggest example of gender discrimination in society is the gender ratio. The number of girls on every 1,000 boys is called gender ratio. In any society, every 1000 boys should have a maximum number of girls in 1000. Unfortunately our The gender ratio in the country is continuously decreasing. This condition is even more dangerous in urban areas.

Education: - The direct relationship between the condition of women in family and society is from education. Education for gender equality and empowerment is a basic indicator. But there is a very large gender gap in literacy rate. The literacy rate is only an indicator. An indicator which includes entry rate, drop out rate and number of girls at different grade level. According to the 2011 census, the literacy rate of men in India So 82.14%, the literacy rate of women is 65.46%. Not only this, more than 40% of girls leave school after 10th. As the educational level goes up, the number of girls decreases.

Health: - Statistics show that the gender gap exists in health conditions. Gender discrimination is clearly visible in healthcare and health outcomes. The death rate of newborns is highest in all age groups. The average nutrition of women in India Acceptability is approximately 1400 calories per day, whereas the required requirement is approximately 2200 calories. Many women and women lack blood, lack of nutrients and Are obsessed with losing weight

Participation in the workday: - Gender inequality can be seen at work. Statistics related to the participation of women in the work are that the rate of participation of women in the working group is very low. Most women in unorganized sectors like, in the agricultural, daily labor As such, the buildings are working in the construction of the road or in low wages.

Atrocities and atrocities: - Violence, tyranny, and cruelty towards women is an indicator of gender discrimination. Some such crimes are done by targeting women only, such as girls' fetal murder, child abuse, girls molestation, dowry, Child marriages, rape, deprivation, trafficking in trafficking, prostitution, forced abortion, domestic violence etc are some such crimes against women.

All the above examples prove that even today, the roots of gender discrimination are deep in our society, which can take a lot of time to be diagnosed.


Q.1) Explain the various techniques of motivation in the classroom with the help of appropriate examples. Describe the various techniques of classroom motivation.

Ans The word "motivation" or motivation is the purpose of awakening the tendency to work to generate one or more effects. The motivation process is the process of awakening, maintaining and controlling.
Many techniques can be used by the teacher to motivate the students in the classroom, some of which are the following:

Attractive physical environment: - The teacher should take care of the physical environment of the class. There should be no distracting factors inside and outside the lunar c. No noise, sharp light, and some undesirable views should not be distracting. Extraordinary temperature also creates problems. L Classroom should be decorated in airy and attractive manner.

Exposure of innate impulses: Most of the behavior of small children is guided by innate impulses. Children are curious to be natural. They want to do lots of activities. Every new and strange thing attracts them. An effective a teacher This impulse of curiosity will be encouraged. That new text will always start with some very new and strange aspect of it. Similarly, children will have many things Nana want l teacher to make them new things, should be to encourage the surgeon.

Encourage promotion by the teacher: - It is generally seen that children cannot take care of a thing/activity for a long time. The effectiveness of the teaching-learning process depends largely on the incentive used in the teacher's behavior. l In the behavior of the teacher some variations in general class are as follows -
  • Movement in teacher's class 
  • Teacher's gestures 
  • Change in voice patterns
  • Change in sentiment center 
  • Change in currency 

Strengthening: - Praise and condemnation (defect) l They can be classified as follows -
  • Positive oral strengthening - After answering the disciple, the teacher verbally expresses happiness by saying verbally good, very good, right, fine etc. 
  • Positive non-verbal reinforcement- This includes - shake hands, smiling, moving friendly towards the teacher's disciple, watching, and answering the pupil's answer on the board. 
  • Negative non-verbal reinforcement - The 'gestures' come under this, such as jesting, making tactics, showing anger, showing impatience.  
  • Negative oral reinforcement- This type of commentary by the teacher comes in - No, wrong, not good, bad answer, not at all etc. 

External learning: - Prize and punishment : Whether the award is in the form of material or symbolic or psychological, fulfills and encourages the child's respect, needs, protection etc. and thus works as an incentive l Prize is more effective by material in poor children, while the children of the wealthy household are happy with the symbolic award.

GThe goalof Achieving: - Each lesson should have a goal where we need to reach. Then students can continue their efforts in that particular direction. This goal should be made clear to the students.

Competition and Cooperation: - Competition is an inspiration for the activity. But competition on an individual basis can be uneven, and it can be dangerous for some students. The possibility of winning or defeating the competition from groups in the whole group is possible. Cooperation also provides motivation because it provides the learners with social situations where they have social acceptance Expiration and the satisfaction of fulfillment of belonging requirements

All the above techniques can be used to motivate the children in the classroom. Further innovation techniques can be found.

Q. 2. Define the concept of creativity. How will you develop learning materials to promote creativity? Discuss the role of information and communication technology in promoting creativity. 
Define the concept of creativity How do you develop learning material for fostering creativity? Discuss the role of ICT in fostering creativity.

Ans.  Creativity is the ability to create new reactions, to give new answers, to create new relationships. Creativity is the ability to be different from other people or from their peers, innovative, abnormal. The creative person has most of the characteristics, such as prominence, self-confidence, Expressive, sharp intellect, aggressive, self-centered, motivational, verbally flow of flow, anxiety  complaints free from expressing Independent and independent of traditional compulsions and obstructions.

Creativity is usually of two types - verbal creativity and non-verbal creativity. Writing poems, stories, novels etc. are examples of oral creativity. Illustration of painting, painting, sculpture, cartoon making, colorful, gardening, etc. are non-verbal creativity.
Most of the children are creative since birth, but they grow up losing - according to Davis, 90% of children under five years of age are highly creative and only 2% of people in the age group are a creator. It is this that increasing age negatively affects creativity.

Development of learning-learning materials to promote creativity: -
When the teacher is interested in promoting creativity, he has to keep a lot of patience, open mind and control his temper, jealousy, frustration etc. Sometimes he has to act in front of children. Should have enough freedom to think. How they sit, in other words, we should tolerate indiscipline in class. Torrence and Myers have children there are a few theories for teachers to enhance creativity -

A) Respect children's ideas.
B) Respect imaginative and unusual ideas.
C) Show the learners that the value of their ideas is l
D) Encourage and evaluate self-initiated learning.
D) Add evaluation with reasons and results.
This principle applies when teachers develop learning materials. Therefore, the teaching materials that develop to promote creativity should have the following characteristics:

(a) There should be many possible answers to the activities.
(b) The activity should be open-ended, i.e. it should not have an answer.
(c) Activities should be held so that children can get flexibility in thinking.
(d) Activities can be developed to develop individual abilities such as flow, flexibility, originality, curiosity, persistence, expansion and sensitivity to problems.
(e) Even though the activity may not be used immediately, it still has importance in class.
(f) Collect a variety of puzzles, mysterious plans, and different thinking questions for use in the classroom.
(g) In the activities, there should be an emphasis on imagination and should not be emphasized on conservative behavior.
(h) Activity can be based on models of researchers researching creativity.

Role of Information and Communication Technology in Creating Creativity: -
And computer l Each of these can be used in the presentation of various activities such that - a picture on the black board or chart can be presented on which the children have to write a story. An incomplete story narrates the children on the audio cassette player Which can be completed by listening to the child. On the computer screen, many abstract images can be interpreted by children. Audio visual content can be displayed with the help of the projector.


Q 1.) Observe a school and prepare a detail report on various factors for exclusion on prominent groups of children who are at risk for exclusion from the education system. Write suggestive measures for the inclusion of these groups.

Ans. In our country's education system, there are many class groups of children who are victims of backwardness in the educational field or are in the risk of leaving education due to being neglected in the education system. Such is the inclusive education for children or groups of children. The principle of the RTE Act has been implemented in 2009. Inclusive education is the approach of giving education to all children who are neglected in the education system. They are at risk of leaving education. It expects that all learners learn to use Iqtittah with the use of general educational provisions. It is based on the social model of equality of opportunity. This practice is based on the principle of respect and acceptance of diversity. Which is part of nature and humanity.
To explore the groups of children who are exposed to the risk of boycotting the opposite of these principles of inclusive education and I have visited an elementary school in my area. After observation, those major groups of children, whose educational system Prepared a detailed report on the risk of being boycotted.
Report: - I visited a primary school in my area, whose name - Veer Bahadur Tola, Sikri, Primary School, for several hours. During this period, I noted the groups of children who are at risk of being out of school. , Whose details are detailed below -
  1. Children with disabilities: - In the said school I saw that three children are in the category of disability. Due to disability, children feel problem in learning the teaching skills. However, there are many types of disability such as physical disability in which osteogenic disability, vision Disrupted, silent deaf and mental retardation such as slow intellect, learning disability, social, emotional and behavioral Children with disabilities, etc. In the above school, a child is suffering from osteoporosis; two children are in the brain of retardation. For these reasons of disability, it is difficult for the children to go to school or to learn. As a result, these children are out of the education system On the brink of
  2. Girls: - The percentage of attendance of girls in the said school was very low; I wanted to know which girls were present, what is the reason that girls are less in comparison to boys? We all know that women's condition is not very right in our society. Girls are harmed due to physical, social and cultural reasons, especially in villages and in the families of joint families. Behavior is their roles are determined by families and their needs are ignored which encourages them to survive.
  3. The children coming from the deprived environment: - It is a supposed fact that there is a direct impact on the concept of lack of living in the environment. It is natural that poor families, those who work on wages, slum dwellers Children of families with disabilities face problems in their economic, social and psychological environment. Some children from the similarly deprived environment are also in this school, who are always at school L leave l
  4. Children who are talented and creative: - Children sometimes have a special talent in some areas like sports, music, dance, and art. Such children get bored in the classroom because our education system is designed to refine these talents, On the contrary, many times such children are given the level of problematic problem in the classroom due to different thinking. Such talented and talented Creative children suffer from traditional activities in school. Classrooms are boring for such children and they make up their mind to leave school. Some such children are in this school who are uncomfortable with the traditional school environment. These children are out of school.
  5. Children with low achievement: - There are some children in this school who are of low achievement level. They are not able to fully utilize their capacity. Hard and monotonous school activities can be the main reason for this. Some distractions Due to the pressures of doing so, such as TV, computer l family, school, parents, high expectations from parents and doing something, they are forced to leave school. 

Suggestions for the inclusion of the above groups: -

Incorporation means a restructuring of schools and communities, whereby all children can learn in a similar environment without any discrimination. The following suggestions may be given for the fulfilment of this purpose:
  1. Integration: - Children should be integrated into education. The term integration has been used to participate in educational programs with the children of children with disabilities. L Integration is the process of providing children with disabilities in the mainstream. In integrating, children with disabilities have an emphasis on "fit" in regular school. They prepare to sit together in regular arrangements. Aye l for example - hearing children should be appropriate additions equipment l Asthijny disabled children were accessories to walk the l with visual impairments children were sent to learn Braille in special centers.   
  2. Learning materials: - In the teaching process, if a variety of learning materials are used, then any child will participate in the learning process. Pictures, charts, models, surroundings, environmental uses, ICT use etc. are many ways in which children are interested Wake up and save them from being bored.
  3. Promotion of creativity: - We should not be seated by holding traditional learning techniques. Keeping in mind the need and the creativity of children, adequate opportunities should be provided for them to develop.
  4. Promotion of girl child education: Revolutionary steps should be taken to promote girl child education. Whether women's achievement has happened in any corner of the world, to be promoted more and more in society. Every person in the society has a child Education should be encouraged continuously and not only at the government level, but a special incentive program for girls education should also be started such as the Bihar Government The cycle distribution program is very commendable.
  5. To bring minorities and deprived communities in the mainstream: Many provisions have also been made in the constitution for the educational upliftment of children of minority and deprived communities. Honorable efforts of the government to implement those provisions and to benefit the lower class. To overcome the unemployment, the responsibility of the creation of jobs, reservation, economic cooperation and the responsibility of the education of children is to be borne by the government.

Nios Deled Assignment 507 in English

Assignment I

Ques 1. Explain the impact of the community on the socio-cultural factors affecting the education system and the cultural development of learners
Ans. The community, the school, and the teacher expect to get the social aspirations and expectations through children. In such a way, community, school, and teacher, or rather, that affects the entire educational system. The sociology-cultural components of the society include:

Community Composition: - The structural organisation of the community determines education in various ways. Thus, a community having a different population with different castes, languages, religions, and cultures can create a challenge for the education system in that community or Miscellaneous population can enrich system dependent on mutual relations and harmony among subgroups. Category classified social or social system Leadership can lead to a boycott of low caste or poor people through the education system. Attitudes towards minority cult or religious groups can affect the education of these groups. Through instruction in language school spoken in the community. Will play a role.

Business and economic component: - Poverty can prevent the education of many children due to other competing needs of life. People may not be able to spend on education or prefer to send their children for work instead of school. 
Customs, traditions and belief: - traditions and customs are based on the community and gives shape to the belief that power in the community of children For example, for example - a community recognises that the weak children, their or their parents, are the consequences of punishment by God due to sins committed in previous birth. Such communities, the education of the weak children in karma Interference can be assumed that these children and their families may be stigmatized and expelled from the education system.

Sexual Discrimination: - Community beliefs and actions about gender discrimination can be discriminatory at the beginning of girls' exclusion from school.

Attitudes towards privileged and marginal groups: - The community may have a negative attitude towards weak, privileged and the marginalised groups due to their beliefs and exploitation, which can inhibit the proper participation of these groups in an education system. l While the nature of the local community influences and determines the nature of the educational facilities to be provided. Akshik institutions also affect the local the relationship between the local communities and educational facilities is mutual and interdependent land that both influence each other.  

Effect of community cultural development of learners: - 
The community plays an important role in the cultural development of the learners. If the local culture is studied intelligently, it displays the other area of learning which can be the basis of the institutional knowledge, for example, in villages or in tribal communities The 'Mahul' tree has a cultural aspect. Its reference is also found in folklore, stories, and riddles. It is also believed that the Goddess is inhabited in the Mahul tree and therefore the tree is worshipped.

Q,2) Describe the need to include the community in school education. How can the community be incorporated to improve school-education? Tell at least five ways.

Ans. Community participation in school education is the universalization of education, which implies the availability of school facilities for all children, receiving enrolment for all children and keeping the system responsible for all students. Any kind of activity The goal of the community and parents/families to try to get involved in education is educational achievement Improves transfer so well prepared for most children learn better and changing world.

Community participation is an instrument to increase the mobility of the expected physical, human and physical resources to enable the educational system. Participation in the adoption of education for the needs of all sections of the population especially the weaker sections, problems, aspirations, and interests. Is necessary especially in the perspective of obtaining equal opportunities, participation is necessary for the democratisation of education, which means the participation of local people in the planning, decision-making, and school education system. 

Community participation for improving school education: -
The quality of education improves with the involvement of the community in school education. Schools and communities should work closely with each other to improve the quality of education. If the community is affiliated with the school, then it is in the administration of the school. Provides better leadership and improves the performance of students. Therefore, to improve the school education system, the following Can be included sector.
  • Participating in surveys for children outside the school, creating awareness on child labour, participating in enrolment awareness. 
  •  Participation in school mapping exercises, the status of a school, school resources such as buildings, classroom rooms, toilets, and the availability of drinking water facilities. 
  • Participation through the contribution of money, materials, and labour. 
  • Attendance (participation in parent school in school), visits to schools to monitor teaching-learning and cleanliness in the classroom, discussions with the teachers about the participation of students through discussions. 
  • Participation through consideration of how a particular issue such as how to improve infrastructure or teaching method. 
  • Participate in making the service available, when the teacher is absent, teach or teach professional skills/music. 
  • Observe the presence of children, regularity of teachers. 
  • Incentives such as free textbooks, inspection of the garment to students, inspection of regularity and quality of mid-day meal. 
It has become increasingly clear that schools and communities should work closely with each other in order to improve the quality of education. Schools are encouraged to promote healthy development and address the obstacles of learning and development that schools They can improve their work when they are in the form of an integrated and positive part of society. In fact, for many schools, To make the academic mission a success, they have a lot of support for community resources - such as family members, neighbouring leaders, business groups,

Assignment II

Q.1) What is the leadership? Why is it important for a teacher? What are the styles of leadership? Which leadership style will you adopt for the proper development of your learners, and why?

Ans: Leadership has been defined by many experts, such as -
According to Warren Bennice (1975), "Leadership is a task of knowing oneself, in which there is a vision that acknowledges your leadership ability in communicating well, believing in collaborators and taking effective action."

Alan Keith says that "leadership is about creating a way to eventually contribute to something unique to people."
In the contemporary arrangement (2003), leadership, "as a dynamic relationship based on mutual influence and general purpose among leaders and coordinators, in which both of the higher levels go towards the inspiration and ethical development as they actually influence the desired change L "This definition yields four important aspects - such as relationships, mutual influence, general purpose, and coordinates.

Leadership is important for a teacher because a teacher leader is directly involved in the leadership and management style of the school environment that operates between the school and the community in the end-user environment. A healthy school-community relationship teacher leader is responsible for their Depends on established values, contributions, skills, verbs, and priorities
Leadership styles: - Leadership styles generally show the behaviour of the leader. There are mainly four types of leadership styles - 

Independent leadership: - Independent leadership style means that all the forces of decision-making are centred in the leader like dictators, l does not consider the suggestions or initiatives of subordinates. Here the leadership is often a single execution. It l offers itself as least independent liability possible. L Communication is often one-sided. This kind of leadership employee S or knows a perverse is to the effect l autocratic leadership on the development of subordinates that he will have a strong disciplinarian and destroy acknowledges that praise ownand honour students l

Non-trafficking Leadership: A non-trafficking leader allows employees to make their own decisions. The leader often engages himself in paperwork so that he is away from the group's members. The leader of a large part of his work, I believe in keeping away from creating unrest. This leadership is pessimistic about people. This kind of leadership is as far as possible The decision is postponed to the decision. The teacher dislikes the risk-taking place.

Dull leadership: Dull leadership means that it is open and unstructured. It is very little use for procedures, rules, and laws. The philosophy connected with it is that the work related to school and community will be without any structure if Members are relaxed, happy and satisfied with their work. Sluggish leadership directly imparts more energy in contact with person-to-person. 

Democratic leadership: - This leadership gives more importance to its employees and subordinates. They recognise their potential and give them complete freedom to make full use of their capabilities. By doing so, they will give their knowledge, skills and motivation Help in developing. welcome ideas of their subordinates and their talents are used to fulfil the dreams. Is that for l considers this type of teacher-led the student, teacher aide and meaningful partners in their efforts to community members reach out to all the elementary education in the community.

The above styles of leadership show that the best style of leadership is democratic leadership and I will adopt the democratic leadership for the proper development of my learners, because the democratic leadership style is the only style that our learners will have the opportunity to have the opportunity The learners will be able to make their own decision, share their views, without Ray will be able to use the new, will be able to support one another, to mingle with the community will be able to mutually benefit from l Although I will give them advice and he drew attention to his experience and insights.

Q.2 Discuss the role of various educational institutions. How do you interact with these institutions to improve the different schools, including examples?

Ans. There are various government and non-governmental educational agencies in the educational system which are empowering and which improve schools' work. Some of the major educational agencies and their role are:


Its full name is "National Educational Research and Training Council". It was established by the Government of India as an autonomous organisation in 1961. In order to improve the quality of education in schools, the policies and programs of the Central and State Government Provides help and advice on l its main purpose -

(a) Preparing and publishing resource materials such as textbooks, magazines for schools and teachers. 
(b) Develop new and innovative teaching techniques and practices. 
(c) Organise courses on teacher training.
2. NCTE: - "National Council for Teacher Education" was established in 1973 as an advisory body on all issues related to teacher education for Central the and State Governments. Its role is as follows:
(a) Through the planned and coordinated development of the teacher education system - plan curriculum of inter-seva training programs, inspect training programs and make new initiatives in teacher education. 
(b) Control and proper maintenance of rules and standards in the teacher education system. 


"National Commission for the Protection of Child Rights" was established in 2007 under the Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005. Under the Right to Education Act, the role of NCPCR is as follows -
(a) Inspect the right of education of children. 
(b) Check the complaints related to the rights of children of free and compulsory education. 
(c) Children with special needs of care and protection as well as children with disaster, marginalized and helpless children, to implement educational programs on issues related to children, adolescents, unmarried children and children of prisoners by law. Advice to education agencies and other participants. 


The main work of "State Council for Educational Research and Training" is to bring qualitative improvement in the field of education. SCERT has the main role -
(a) Organise internships training programs for teachers, administrators and teacher trainers. 
(b) Implement new teaching techniques and teaching methods. 
(c) Coordinate with various agencies such as NCERT, NIEPA, DIET. 
(d) Develop teaching-learning materials for various training programs so that it is printed.

DIET: - 

The role of "District Education and Training Institute" is as follows: 
(a) Promoting universalization and enhancing the quality of elementary and adult education by providing training and adaptation through prior and interdisciplinary education. 
(b) To provide educational and resource support to the elementary and adult education system in the district. 
(c) Work-based research to combat the specific problems of the district in achieving objectives in the areas of elementary and adult education.
Interaction with educational institutions to improve the school: -
  1. Generation of Annual Work Plan and Budget: - School Development Plan or other micro schemes in the school area are created and made available to the competent agencies. The scheme is carried forward by the Core Team, in which the Principal, Selected Teacher and Guardian And are representatives of NGOs.
  2. Receipt of grants: - Our school receives various grants from SSA such as school development grant, teacher grants, book grants etc.
  3. Inspection and support of the school: - The employees of BRC and CRC regularly inspect our schools and we fully support them in this work. These employees also provide teacher support to the teachers. Even in developing TLM Help us
  4. Collection and Use of DISE Data: - Filling of data collection form is a critical activity for every school which provides data of DISE. Data stored from our schools is assigned to BRC office, which is forwarded to EMIS in charge or DPEP project coordinator Assigns to
  5. Recruitment and training: - Regular training is also provided to teachers in schools. For this, NCTE is a specially authorized body. DIET also provides pre-service and service-oriented training. Coordinator in BRC and CRC will provide inter-training and schools Offer assistance

Assignment III

Q.1. What types of resources are needed for the management of a school? Write any three practical suggestions for human resource management in your school and write a plan to implement those suggestions.

Ans. Management is very important to work successfully for the school. Management is a process in which the cooperative group directs actions to achieve the goals of the school. Harold Coonj has said that "formally organized groups are organized by individuals and individuals In this context, Henry Fayl also has the art management of completing the work. The good sense told L Henry in terms of Fyol - "Management means - to predict, and to planning, organizing, is to command, coordination and control"
In order to achieve output in the management of any organization, different types of resources ie input are used. If the school management is done, it also requires a lot of resources. Any school management is involved - Infrastructure, facilities, funds, teachers, students, teaching-learning methods and content l Students' text and text There are achievements in the activities, professional development of teachers, etc. Output are teaching-learning activities, discipline, environment, and other academic work, which come under school processes. Thus, we can say that three types of primary school management Resources - Human resources, material resources, and financial resources.

1. Human Resources: - Human resources for a school are essentially essential. One is mainly involved in the human resource of a school - everyone has their own role in the school of teachers, students, and community l. All three in school management The role of SPLIT is l. Teachers teach students, they give knowledge of essential life skills and learn from the world with the knowledge and skills gained from the teachers. Are illustrated and live better lives l have a teacher to help them acquire knowledge in various teaching to solve their problems motivate the students to use learning processes l l and helpful

2. Material Resource: - In a school management, content processing involves many subtle items ranging from a wide variety of things like l farm, seed, water, farm machinery, bull or tractor, manure, Pesticide etc. is required without which a farmer can do nothing. Similarly, for school, land, building, bench-desk, black board, wheel, duster, register, playground, teaching Material (TLM) etc. is very important. Without this, no school will be left without it. Content processing is essential for getting output from the school. Human resources in the school are an active source, which is the creation of all these materials and facilities. Does for the future.

3. Economic Resources: - School needs money for running smoothly. L requires a lot of money for teachers' salaries. Other school activities such as purchasing TLM, organizing programs, teacher-guardian meeting Managing tea and snacks in the school, repairing broken feet in the school etc. There are several such works which can not be done without the money. En adequate physical facilities in institutions Class D, enough teachers have the necessary funds to availability l Now the question is that is where fulfillment of financial resources for the schools?

The main economic source of a school is the government. It comes under three types of governments - Central Government, State Government, and local body l is a federal system in India, which means - According to the Indian constitution there is a government at the center and in the state There is also a government. Education under Constitutional provisions in India has been kept in the concurrent list. It means that both central and state governments are educational The Ewaon and make rules for the institutions and the controls are the l-governmental organizations, educational institutions aided by funding and government work government control l under the terms of Grant in Aid has provided funding assistance
Tips and plans for human resource management in school: -

Human power requirement: - Educational plans should be made in keeping with the need of human power or economic condition in the country. Labor is required for the production of goods and services. These may require general education or special skills when the production process is simplified. So the need for education and skills can also be simple or simple. But when the production process is complex, then the higher education F need level and skills l which would require special training l production of hardware parts in the computer industry.

Community participation in school: - Participation of the school and community is very important to strengthen good education and training. It is a three problem in human resource management - 
(a) Girls are not going to school because parents do not want 
(b) Dropout rate in children is very high. 
(c) Parents are not actively involved in development schemes in teacher union or school. 

All types of solutions are required above. School community participation is a great requirement. For this, the community should be motivated. If they are interested in school then all problems will be resolved automatically.

RTE Act 2009 has provision for making school management committee under Section 21. Legal provision has been made to engage the community in the decision-making process for the creation and promotion of school community participation and school development scheme. Information should be given to the community so that they can be benefited from it.

3. Coordination: - There are many workers in an organization. Each of them performs a special task. It is, therefore, necessary that the interaction between different people and the work is made. Different senior tasks and efforts of the people of the group To coordinate between the organization so that the objectives of the organization are met, the coordination is called. This collective endeavor is to meet the general goals Minister to organize in order to achieve l which activities were consistent in l should have basic responsibility of coordinating management between human groups in schools to maintain unity in all.

The above three suggestions are very practical, which helps in the management of human resources in the school.  

Nios Deled Assignment 508 in English

Assignment I

Q. 1. "Masks and Puppets are both effective methods for exploration and experimentation for teachers and students". Explain the statement.

Ans: If a child is given a creative environment where it is acceptable to experiment and explore, learning will provide a holistic development. The child will learn independently, learn about his environment and the world, learn the experiment and explore the possibilities. l Whether students or teachers will also develop all real knowledge in direct experience, so mask and puppet couple Not a very good way for the exploration of the students and teachers and Pryogikrn where both students and teachers as well as for real knowledge.

We understand the explanation and experimentation of masks and puppets in detail below -

1. Mask: - 

It is usually worn on face and used for both impersonation and entertainment. The mask is often worn on the face for various festivals or storytelling. Children explore various materials and use their imagination to create a mask. Some types of Ukuta can be made of suitable materials for the elementary kids who can be as follows: - 

i) Paper Mask: - We can use any paper for mask construction. Children cut through the line according to the character and then add some properties to them. For making different shapes of paper and various decorations for decoration Is adopted.

ii) Paper bag mask: - It is very easy to make. To make it, a large envelope or paper bag is taken in which the child's head can be covered. The eye for watching the bag, the nose to breathe The appropriate holes are made by marking the mouth to speak and the children paint it with their imaginations.

iii) Paper Plate Masks: - They are also very easy to make. The children play it by making it. To make it, take a plate to cut it in an oval shape, make holes to see and apply rubber on both sides of the plate. Let's wear it, l also paint colors to make it playable and attractive.

iv) Masks of Paper Macey (Kutty): - These masks are made from a paste of paper pulp or paper and l can make any attractive face of the face with this material. When it dries, it is hard and durable. It can also be colored for character formation and a half or a complete mask can be made according to need.

2. Puppet building: - 

The puppet is an inanimate analogy living picture which is very smartly run by an entertainer. It is a very ancient form of theater. Children at the primary level are available around the available materials like threads, paper Puppets can be made from pieces, grasses, paper bags, newsletters, buttons, wool, broom sinks, old clothes or wool etc. Children are more compliant and exploration of new objects l make puppets are as follows –

Anguilla puppet: - This is the easiest way to make puppets without any more equipment. L can bind a piece of cloth on any fingers and create a character by making an eye, nose, mouth etc. on the thumb by paints and different characters from the fingers Can paint

Sneakers puppet: - These puppets are made by wearing socks in hands. Threads, buttons, wings, ribbons, crafts, pearls, phones etc. can be used for eyes or other properties.  

Dastana puppet: - Dastana puppet is made by adding two pieces of cloth together, which is hollow in so that the fingers and palm can go inside it.
In this way, we see that there are many techniques to make masks and puppets, with some opportunities to explore and many types of experimentation. 

Q. 2. "Planning and preparation play an important role in making execution art activities effective" - consider this statement

Ans: Plan and preparation play a meaningful role in organizing a subject. L This is an important tool to ensure the success of a subject. A good formatted plan and preparation results in a winning the position. Effective implementation of the plan Plays an important role in the whole process. To plan and execute any performance art activities, The Ikit role -


1. The choice of the subject should be in accordance with the subject. When choosing art forms, we should be conscious of the aim and purpose of the subject. It should be co-related to the need of the occasion. 
2. It is very important for the information of art form to be authentic which can be collected from various resources. In this process of gathering and giving information, parents, communities, books, internet, people of other areas, students etc. This can be a good exploration for students who will give them a lifelong learning experience. 
3. It should be kept in mind that execution is being sponsored for it. When choosing art forms, the viewer's attitude and quality should be kept in mind. 
4. Regarding the availability of space in the regular school curriculum, the date and time are determined. It is mandatory to know school programs such as examinations, holidays. 
5. The position of the subject, platform or environment will be available on the basis of availability of funds, ease of access, location for the viewer (festivals, annual festivals etc.), level of the subject (school level, inter-college level, state level). Is l 
6. Allocation and distribution of funds under various items in the conduct of the subject play a decisive role. 
7. The participation in the school should be maximum because the inclusion caters to each child. Classroom, the auditorium, community building etc. can be used all the time. Planning and adjusting in groups for execution helps in such topics. Competitive directors By location and time all are computed. 

Preparation: -

1. For the preparation of an execution, it is important to have a fully trained team at different levels of work. 
2. Students should be in accordance with the requirement of sound test and selection execution. 
3. Proper provision of time and allocation for rehearsing of dialogue such as fiction, song, music, puppetry, voice optimization, physical speed operations, currencies etc should be done without interrupting regular school environment. In such cases before the beginning of the session, advance preparation proves beneficial. 
4. The structure of the platform should be according to the number of participants in various executions. The arrangement of stairs should be on both sides of the stage. L Be the proper place behind the stage so that the participants can easily take their place. 
5. The configuration of the stage should be an extension of vision combination between the audience and the executives. 
6. Sound system needs to be executed according to requirements such as a wireless microphone, platform mike etc. 
7. The lighting of the stage should be arranged according to the requirement of execution. According to the art form, stage decoration and performance should be done in advance using sustainable and natural raw materials. 

Assignment II

Q. 1. Perspective from meaningful and meaningful physical work. Explain the concept of education.
Explain the concept of work education in light of purposeful and meaningful physical work.

The concept of work education: - Work education has been considered as purposeful and meaningful physical labor which is organized in the form of an intimate part of the teaching process. It is envisaged in the form of the production of meaningful materials and the service of the community in which children are self-centered And sharing the experience of bliss. Work Education: Educational activity for knowledge, understanding, practical skills, and valued life activities. Emphasizes to include issues.

Linking to work brings the child closer to his social natural environment, identifies natural resources, and also works for preparing for future business life. The children who are unfamiliar with the world of work due to having a relationship with the conveniently social economic class They are the store-houses and know-how of thousands of essentials-unnecessary information, but their knowledge, skills and social understanding are the kinds of a child who works Are lower than the issues.
By incorporating labor into total education, children can get many benefits such as -
  • There may be meaningful information about community resources.
  • You can learn the skills to live a quality life.
  • The ability to see the situation special from a critical perspective can be developed.
  • Available local economies can get a chance to stand on their feet.
  • Along with work, you can get an opportunity to complete higher education.

In the perspective of meaningful and meaningful physical labor, the concept of education can be better understood in the following components -

Work Education: -

  • Establishes adjustments in hand and brain,
  • There is inherent socio-economic physical labor in educational activities,
  • An essential and important component of learning processes,
  • is reflected in the form of useful services or productive work for the community,
  • Based on the principle of learning.

Inlay work in education: -

  • Develop skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, decision making,
  • Invite the teachers' participation in all subjects,
  • are based on students' needs, interests and abilities,
  • According to the level of education, increase the competencies of students,
  • Help in the development of personality,
  • Increase and develop professional readiness and production efficiency,

Work is essential for the success of education -

  • Openness of ideas
  • Respect and positive attitude towards labor
  • The positive relationship between community and school
  • A sense of cooperation
  • Imagery and creative perspectives

In the words of Guru Rabindranath Tagore: -

"Education cannot be separated from physical labor for cultural renaissance. Each student should participate in some of the programs of serving vast mass human society outside the scope of his specific community, to take the work as a medium of education. Because the experience is the windows of our brain " 

The concept and meaning of the work education are clearly reflected in the above description. In short, it can be said that work education is a purposefully meaningful physical laboratory activity which is well-organized, well-adjusted in all the stages of the school curriculum and the product or Reflected as a social service.

Q 2.)Explain the following statement "Timing and grouping of students play a vital role in effective implementation of the Work Education activity."

Ans ) 

Grouping of students in activities related to work education: -

The nature of most activities related to work education is primarily in such a way that if it is done in the group, then it is possible to achieve better results. The approach is to create properties related to qualities, values and skills and some other social values such as one another and the environment. Per sensitivity, understanding, cooperation, understanding of dependence, nature love, beauty, beauty, the importance of labor Yamagata etc. grow more prominently than working in the group. L Working in groups also develops a "Sanghi culture" environment.

So when they work in groups then they develop the following positive things -
•  There is a positive increase in the experience of enjoyment achieved through their learning process,
•  They develop group emotion,
•  They do the skills to learn and teach from each other,
•  Properties like collaboration, leadership are automatically developed.
The above positive aspects can arise only when a group of students is organized in a planned manner. Some specific points should be taken into consideration for group formation -
•  Single class group or multi-class group should be built keeping in mind the objectives of the activity. 
• Get a mixed group when co-educated. 
•  Do not make separate groups of physically challenged children and should be linked to groups of children and should also be ensured that they have a meaningful role and responsibility. 
It is not necessary that the groups created for a particular activity will remain permanent. These groups should also be reorganized from time to time. For group change, the following grounds should be considered-
•  The functioning of previous groups,
•  New situations,
•  Changes in the nature of the activity,
•  Innovative use 

Changing the pre-existing groups of students increases the responsibility of a teacher, but it also reflects the awareness and integrity of their subjects.
Scheduling in activities related to work education: -

Depending on the nature, purpose, and nature of the expected results, depending on the nature of the activity, the timing of each activity can be determined. It is not necessary that all the activities of each activity are completed in the school. There may be some activities which are started by the teacher's first school in school, then thereafter Go to the home, community and experience the process at your own convenience.
Timing can be done in the following activities related to work-related activities: 
  1. At the time of enrollment session, information about the admission rules of the school in the nutritious field of the school can be invoked by personal contact, by diverging and meeting the parents' nook meeting. 
  2. At the time of admission, the arrangements for the arrangement of parents' sitting arrangements, the arrangement of drinking water, cooperation in filling the form, etc. can be related to the education of children. 
  3. In view of the weather during the summer holiday, children can be given tasks like the collection of seeds, collecting leaves, making papaya from mango kernels, knowing mango varieties, writing a diary for any ten days etc. Many Activities can be given at home. 
  4. After the summer holidays, when the school opens in July, the activities can be determined to keep in view the activity of the weather and the school l like - even at that time new students are taking admission, the welcome of all those informal forms Can be given 

Assignment III

Q.1 What are the key components of a healthy school environment? Briefly discuss any two components and their relevance with respect to optimal learning.
Ans. Healthy school environment: - School is an important and basic unit of community. L is a good school base with a healthy environment in which society is based. In a school environment, the child learns to eat, play, care, share and make friends. It is close to eating habits, food, cleaning, health, and other things.
The main components of the well-being of the school are:
  1. Clean drinking water supply 
  2. Clean Toilets and Urinal 
  3. Safe diet
  4. Handheld facility 
  5. The excretory system
  6. Garbage disposal 
  7. Lighting
  8. Air communication 
  9. Comfortable arrangement for seating 
  10. Motivational sensory and social environment
The utility of any two components in the context of optimum learning: -

Clean Toilets and urinal: - 

To teach children about the importance of health is the school. L Schools should have the necessary cleaning facilities. Schools and teachers in this regard should play a meaningful role in this regard.

(a) Role of Vidyalaya power: -

  • Co-education schools have separate toilets for girls. 
  • Risk-free facilities must be obtained from harassment, animal attacks, etc. to children in rural areas. 
  • Proper lock (lock) ho (bolts and handles)  
  • Supervision by pre-primary and girls in respect of girls. 
  • Cleanliness should not contaminate groundwater. 
  • Toilets should be clean twice a day. 
  • Toilets and urinals should be tailored to children with disabilities including handrail and ramp. 
  • Must be suitable lighting and air communication, water supply should be adequate, regular cleaning of toilets should be cleaned.

(b) Role of the teacher: - 

  • Teachers should be taught regular etiquette related to toilet and urinal such as -
  • Close the door well
  • Use water for cleaning. 
  • Put waste materials in the trash. 
  • Turn off the power if not in use.
  • Wash hands with soap or ash.
  • Do not waste water
  • Never panic for others. 

Handheld facility: - 

The children are taught to wash hands before and after eating. After the teachers use them to handle animals, throw garbage, see the sick, play, sneeze, coughing, toilets and urinals. Should also encourage to wash hands. There are some provisions in the schools which are as follows:
  • Sufficient and continuous water supply 
  • Appropriate wash basin for children at a minimum height.
  • Proper arrangement of soap for hand washing. 
  • The teacher must be accompanied with pre-primary children. 
  • Hand wash should be cleaned regularly. 
  • Water buckets, soap, and jug should be kept in rural areas.

The teacher should motivate the students to regularly wash hands and adopt healthy habits like - do not steal soap and stop wastage of water etc. teachers should prepare slogans on water, sanitation, health and wash them Also can be encouraged to display at the place.
Therefore, the above explanation clearly shows that there is a complete role of many components in building a healthier environment in a school which is necessary for optimum learning.

Q.2 What are the principles of making a lesson in physical education? Please explain
Explain the principles of Lessons of Physical Education.

Ans. Principles of making a lesson in physical education: Physical education lessons are employed in accordance with definite basic fundamental principles which can change from one group of activities to another, for example, exercises and athletic l for all lessons, for the following The principle is valid: -

1. Enhancing excitement: Before starting any heavy or intense activity, it is necessary to increase the full enthusiasm of the class. There is the possibility of muscle injury due to lack of enthusiasm. Running, jumping, jumping and walking in order to increase enthusiasm Maybe.

2. Streamlined development: In order to ensure orderly growth, the lessons must be given for the practice of all the organs of the body. All major and small muscles should be used for the use of various exercises for arms, legs, neck, and torso. It brings balance, efficiency, strength coordination and speed through it.

3.Age and gender: - Activities should be selected by keeping the age and gender of the students in mind. Exercise for the sixth grade should be different from the exercise for the ninth grade. Exercises for girls should be different in subjects and types. Because they can be tough to execute for longer periods. Physical exercises can be tough and hard for boys.

4. Progression: - It is impossible for a student to perform abnormal exercises at the onset of a lesson. The text should start with gentle exercises and gradually change into hard exercises. A proper order should be arranged in the arrangement of exercises so that There is no feeling of frustration at any stage of the activity of difficulty among the students.

5.Recurrence of Exercise: - Doing one exercise only once will not lead to any developmental value. It is done repeatedly for a fixed period. The number of expansion or frequency of the period may depend on the nature and purpose of the exercise. For which this lesson has been established in the plan. Common repetition is required for general exercise, however, while more exercise is required for complex exercises.

6 Continuity of the text: - Once the text begins, it should continue without interruption till the end. If the obstruction occurs and the body forces the purification, strength, and rhythm of the activity to cool down, then the opposite effect will drop.

7. Flexible: - After the exercise, the body is brought to the normal position, but not by normal exercises but by moving the limbs, stretching, rotating the head, exercising like long sweat and other more exercises are good for this purpose. l Flexible for physical and psychological reasons.
All the above principles are necessary to make a lesson for physical education.

Nios Deled Assignment 509 in English

Assignment- I

Q. 1. Describe the relationship between the concept of social studies and social sciences, discuss the Indian perspective of social science in relation to changing social scenes. 

Answer - Conceptually, social studies and social sciences are related to each other and in many aspects are different from each other. The detailed description of relationships and differences between the two are the following: 

The concept of social studies: - The concept of social studies has emerged recently. Social studies have been developed and developed to consider as part of the school curriculum. The use of social studies on broad-scale began in the United States from 1916 l This usage can be seen only after the formulation of 'Basic Education, 1937' by Gandhiji in India.

Social Studies is a single and joint instructional field that removes its text from many social sciences like History, Geography, Political Science, Economics etc. l Social Studies does not connect to the disciplines of social science in a manner unrelated but where the student lives That is the relationship of women/men from that society/environment, with the aim of helping the understanding of the scholars, they Not the main purpose of connecting a meaningful way l social studies learning to develop skills related to healthy social life l social studies, is related to behavioral side of social l
In the words of James Hai - "In general, social studies are the scholarly mirror of a scholarly discovery of social science. Such data, whose social scientists can collect, integrate and simplify the exact level of expression for children in all grades. Do "

In the words of John V. Mitchell - "Social studies are related to the relationship between humans and their social and physical environment, it is related to human relations. The central work of social studies is the same as the central purpose of education - the development of democratic citizenship.
The following points can be known as the characteristics of the nature of social studies -
  1. Social studies related to human-cultural studies in relation to socio-cultural environments. 
  2. In order to promote healthy social/democratic life among the students, social studies have been developed in the form of instructional related fields in the social sciences. 
  3. Social studies establish relationships between the present, past and future. 
  4. Social studies mostly focus on the contemporary relationships of human life and its problems l relatively much for the past history of humans. 
  5. The objective of social studies is to make the student eligible for social-cultural environments, in which family, community, state, nation, and in a broader form, be able to reconcile with total humanity. Social studies, practical aspects of society are related or actual courses. 
  6. Social Studies are in the growth and development phase this time. It is trying to expand its area further and expand. 
  7. Social studies are known as main topics, at the school level, to develop the necessary competencies related to healthy social life.

The concept of social sciences: - Social science is the framework of knowledge that relates to human relations in the spectrum of the expanded socio-cultural system. Social science creates an important component of the higher education curriculum. Different topics of social science such as history, University Education / Political Science of Political Science, Philosophy, Economics, Human Sciences etc. The Lyi independent role in education Charles Weird and James High the following definitions can be added to the same clarity of the concept of social sciences l
Charles Weird - "It is a branch of knowledge and thought different from social sciences, trades, stones, stars and physical objects, which concerns human relations."

James Hai - "Social science is a learning and part of a study that identifies the synchronous and mutual action of physical and non-material stimuli, which creates a social response."

The characteristic of the nature of social science can be explained by the following points:
1.  Direct impact on human activities - Social science is the aspect of knowledge that has a direct effect on human activities in various socio-cultural areas. 
2.  Advanced study of human society - Social science is the advanced level study of human science and generally, it is taught at higher education levels. 
3.  Explores the truth about human relations - Social science invents the truth about human relations, eventually contributes to the upliftment of social use and knowledge.
Social science in Indian perspective: Regarding changing social scene -
Social science has become an important part in the education system of various blacks, ethics, spirituality, social values, and theories etc. are showing the path of life in the life of the Indian life and are living for centuries. Vedas, Upanishads, Smriti Purana, Ramayan, Mahabharata, formerly the ancient Indian text, contains the principles of social values and a healthy life. Economics of Kautilya, Vishnu The Panchatantra of Dharma is some of the ancient Indian works which relate to the policies and principles of social science. Compositions of medieval and pre-medieval literary traditions such as the compositions of the Buddha, the compositions of Jains, Islamic works, devotion compositions, etc., and social and cultural values. Considered the compositions of heritage, we can say that considering all these references, we can say that social knowledge is ancient and honey The Ykal Indian education and culture.

Q.2  Describe the status of the social science curriculum in the upper primary school curriculum, listing topics covered under the social sciences

Answer:  Today, in most countries of the world, social science is found as part of the school curriculum. In the current school curriculum of India, the social sciences in the lower primary level and the students at the high school level are given a special organized training This area, of course, is taught as a field and social science Jik called study.

At the upper primary level 'and' 'or' secondary level, the word called is used in conformity with social science and social studies regulations, for example, for example - (HCF 2005, P-53) high At the primary level, the term 'social studies' has been used in the context of the course. The same is the National Position Paper-Nation focus group on teaching social sciences (2006, P-5), in the upper primary stage, the term 'social science' In the history, geography and social-political life textbooks, the term "social science" has been used at the upper primary level of the CBSE syllabus. Any word social study or social science should be used, social science should be used. Center of learning to learn,
  • To introduce students to their geographic, social, political environment. 
  • Develop knowledge of social comparative and social responsibility among students. 
  • Develop the qualities of democratic citizenship among students. 
  • Develop patriotism, national sentiment and international understanding among students. 
  • Helping students collaborate in socio-economic institutions. 
  • Train students to solve current and future social issues and challenges. 
  • Develop information about students' understanding of moral values, emotional qualities and relationships.
As per the remarks of "National Centrifugal Group on Social Science Teaching (2006)", on social science teaching at the upper primary level, the objectives of social science teaching at the upper primary level are as follows:
  • Develop an understanding of the earth as a dwelling of mankind and other forms of life. 
  • To educate students about their field, state and country studies in global contexts. 
  • To introduce the student to the functional and dynamism and process of social and political institutions of the country. 
  • Initiating the study of India's history in the context of contemporary development in other parts of the world.
At this stage, the subject areas of social science, from which their curriculum is made, are introduced to the history, geography, political science and economics etc.
List of topics under social science: -
A lot of topics are included in the social sciences family. Some social science topics such as political science, economics, philosophy etc are very old, whereas some social science subjects like - human rights, public administration, social work etc. But the social science subjects can be classified into the following three branches/headings -
  1. Pure social science - political science, economics, history, jurisprudence, law, sociology, public administration, human rights, and human science etc.
  2. Semi-social science - ethical education, philosophy, psychology, art etc.
  3. Science related to social implications - geography, biology, medicine, library science etc.
The nature of social science subjects is interdependent. A subject under social science relates to other subjects of social science and related topics such as physics, language studies, biology etc. All areas of study knowledge There are branches and knowledge is primarily an entity concept/event, so social science field or social science Not the subject is common in subjects other areas and/or areas which has many attributes.

Assignment - II

Q. 1. What are the areas of social science and subject matter of political life in the social science curriculum at the upper primary stage? Discuss their teaching principles

Ans: At the upper primary level, three main learning areas such as 'history' 'geography' and 'social and political life' are included in social science. At the upper primary level, the class is generally included from VI to VIII. l All these learning areas are included in the Social Science course from Class VI to VIII.

The areas of the subject of social and political life at the upper primary level - 

Social and political life at the upper primary level acts as a unified topic of political science/economics/sociology. The 'social and political life' of the social science curriculum at the upper primary level is formerly the form of 'Civics' In the social science curriculum at the upper primary level, the subject of social science and political life, Patel Committee (1977) is by and following the detailed description of the proposed National centric group (2006) based on the teaching of social sciences l
For the area of 'Civics' of the Social Science course at the upper primary level (Class VI, VII and VIII), the following is presented in the following manner by Godbhai Patel Committee (1977).

Civics (class VI - civilized life) 

  • Development of Community Planning: Cooperative, Community Development. 
  • Local Government (Rural): Requirement, Structure and Function. 
  • Local Government (Urban): Structure and Work. 
  • District administration: law and order, civil facilities 
  • Conservation of community property: public property, its protection, historical monument 
  • Project work: Give opportunities for the development of such skills which is necessary for an active citizen in India, problems. 

Civics (Class VII - Ours or Indian Constitution)

  • The main features of our Constitution: Fundamental Principles, National Government, State Government, Rights, Duties, Directive Principles, National Symbols 
  • Process of the formulation of law: Parliament, state council, the law is made?
  • Implementation of Law Laws: President, Prime Minister and Cabinet, Governor, Chief Minister and Cabinet, Public Service 
  • Law / interpretation of the law: Supreme Court, High Court and Court l 
  • Project work

Civics (Class VIII - Independent India - Achievements and Challenges)

  • Our national goals: democracy, socialism and secularism, international cooperation. 
  • Empowerment of our democracy: Citizenship in democracy, Literacy in India. 
  • Social and economic reconstruction: poverty, population, unemployment, racism 
  • Five Year Plans: Achievements and Failures: Agriculture, Industry, Rural Life. 
  • Security of the country: Military force, regional army, border security force, NCC, ACC, civil and security 
  • India and the World: Need for Co-operation, Co-existence, United Nations 
  • Project work

The subject matter of 'Social and Political Life' proposed by the National Centrally Sponsored Group (2006) on the education of social science at the upper primary level (class VI to VIII) -

Class VI (diversity and mutual dependence)

Unit - 1 Variation 
Unit - 2 Government 
Unit - 3 Local Government 
Unit-4 Life Creation 

Class VII (Democracy and Equality)

Unit - 1 democracy 
Unit - 2 State Government 
Unit - 3 Understanding of Media 
Unit - 4 Elimination of gender discrimination (Elimination)
Unit - 5 Market Around Us 

Class VIII (rule of law and social justice)

Unit - 1 constitution 
Unit - 2 Parliamentary Government
Unit - 3 Judiciary 
Entity - 4 Social Justice and Disadvantaged People 
Unit - 5 Economic Presence of Government
Teaching principles of social and political life at the upper primary level -
'Social and Political Life' creates an important aspect of the social science curriculum, such as history and geography, while history is included in the social science curriculum, to make children aware of access to every part of the past. is ; Geography is included in the social science curriculum, to make children aware about the physical, environmental and socio-cultural aspects of the environment around them. In 'Social and Political Life', in the social science curriculum, children have their Social, Political and Economic Life has been included to create awareness about various aspects of life.
Basically, the need for the education of social and political life is an interactive and experimental educational situation. Learning should be linked to the daily life of the child. The cultural and social references of the child, the entire teaching of social and political life- Prioritization should be given in the learning process. Education used for the learning of this area, the child's creative A facilitates complex understanding and ability to solve problems. Learning should be centered on the child so that the child is at the center in the learning process.

Q. 2. Create some (at least five) activities to make your classroom learner-centered. 
Prepare some activities (at least 5) to teach Social science to make your class learner-centered.

Ans. All children are motivated to learn naturally and are capable of learning and this happens both in and outside of the school. While children learn from individual and group in different ways l NCF 2005 says that children have to make things and Expect to learn, experience, experiment, read, discuss, listen, think, exhibit and express themselves in speech, speed, and writing. Aँ the new policy Education 1986, "child-centered and process of activity-based learning advocates' l we will prepare the following activities to focus the learner to his class 

Teaching by game jump method - We all enjoy the game of any age, but the work of a child is filled with the sports world. All children like to play, the game is the natural nature of children. The natural manifestation of needs is that it develops a child's physical, cognitive, social and emotional growth.
Example: Picture cards can be used in the classroom for activity related to playing methodology, such that if the learners are given pictures of some living and inanimate people to identify the living and non-living, and they should be separated from each learner by grouping them. If asked for, the learner will happily do this activity. Each group will give points for correct identification and the group which is the maximum It will also be declared a winner. Thus, through this game activity, learners will also learn to differentiate between living and non-living.

Project method - Project work is an activity-based method which provides real-life experiences to learners. This is a problematic task which is in the natural order. It is always based on the principles of learning related to life, and as much as It is possible that it connects all the subjects of the school. Make these students respectably with respect to labor and in the democratic way of life. Provides opportunities to keep
Activity - The work related to agriculture can be given to students as project activity. L class students can be divided into small groups by feeding them and collecting samples of cash crops, collecting information, charting and map preparation, internet Download or collect photographs, prepare details and discussions, give the work related to presentation and their origin Evaluation will l can get detailed knowledge of the learner to this activity, agriculture or global agricultural.

Problem Solving - Problem Solving is an instructional strategy that is used to develop conceptual understanding and ability to transfer and apply those understandings to new situations. When students are taught this method then they should think logically And opportunities to develop contemplation skills. The contemplation is a fundamental skill that is needed in problem-solving, They made sense of their experiences. The thinking skills and problem-solving can be studied by giving both students problematic situations and can be taught by giving opportunities to solve these problems.
Example - 'Dependence on the monsoon of farmers in India' will give this problem to the learner. The learners will reflect on this in the classroom, will discuss and also suggest a solution to the problem.

Experimental learning - Experimental learning is a learner-centered learning that allows field workers to gain access to real-life situations. It is the process of making sense from direct experience. It focuses on the learning process for the person. Experimental The best example for activity under learning is to go to the zoo.

In this activity, the learners will go to the zoo and they will see the animals in which they were seen in the picture, and they will learn through observation. They will interact with the zoo environment and will keep the books read about animals in front of them. Thus they will gain more effective knowledge.

Discussion Method - This method allows each student to express their views in the learning process. It is a gradual process of making collective decisions, which is helpful in generating democratic values. It wants a compromise, but if If this is not found then it is worth explaining and intensifying the nature of the agreement.

This method will include all the students of the class in the activity which will be prepared in this method. Then list the interests of students on the board like gender discrimination, waste disposal, cutting of trees, lack of water etc. None of these Select one and ask to discuss them. I will select the key points of the discussion and write it on the board without discouraging anyone. Will approve of speaking to all students l develop speech skills, reasoning skills, and leadership skills of students on any topic of organizing such consultations will be possible.
Thus we will prepare activities for learner centric learning in our classroom.

Assignment III

Q. Explain the concept of continuous and comprehensive evaluation. In social science, how do you use continuous and comprehensive evaluation for your students? Explain by examples based on your own experiences.  (1000 words)

Answer - 

The Concept of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation - 

CCE is a process of continuous and comprehensive evaluation, an evaluation that is based on school and determines the goal of all-round development of students. This term is made up of three keywords (KEYWORDS) - the first continuous, Second wide and third evaluation l
The term "continuing" refers to the possible periodical, regular monitoring of the short term of child education and progress in the entire academic session, with the need for their current status, powers and additional investment and/or learning development and progress. There is interference to increase the boundaries.
The word "broad" implies that the curriculum includes the curriculum, curriculum activities, social-personal qualities, work, and art education etc. Under this, various sources such as school articles, classmates, parents, teachers, various tools and techniques - Both qualitative and quantitative information collected from the use of observations, interviews, documentary analysis, etc.
The word "assessment" refers to the process in which the information about changes in the child's behavior; Explain the received information; Decision regarding child's progress; And the decision regarding promotions in the next class is involved.
Thus, CCE ie continuous and comprehensive evaluation is such a developed system that each child can develop according to their qualification. This is a process by which the learning of each child can become stronger and better. Therefore, many commissions for the introduction of CCE Provisions were also made in education policies, work plans, and laws. The recommendations made for the CCE in various commissions, policies and laws have been made. The following is the following details.
  1. The Education Commission (1964-66) has indicated that evaluation is a continuous process and is an essential part of the entire education system, closely related to the objectives of education. Thus, evaluation techniques are valid, Must be reliable, productive and practical and various techniques should be followed while assessing the students.
  2. The National Education Policy (1986) focuses on the possibility of continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) requirement at all levels of school education, in which both aspects of education are included in academic and non-educational, which expands the entire period of the instruction Happens 
  3. The Program of Action (1992) re-expresses the concept of CCE and calls for examination bodies to serve as a set of groups by the National Examination Improvement Framework, which will give independence to innovation and also adapt to a specific situation. Will adopt
  4. The National Curriculum Framework (2005) suggests continuous and comprehensive evaluation and advises elasticity in assessment procedures at the school level, and emphasizes students' assessment work.
  5. RTE ACT (2009) has made the use of CCE legally necessary to primary level education. Section 29 (1) states that by adopting CCE in the curriculum and evaluation procedures, students will be exposed to fear, trauma and According to Section 3 (1), till the completion of elementary education, no student will be required to pass the board examination.
The following objectives of continuous and comprehensive assessment (CCE) are reflected on the basis of the above provisions, suggestions, work policies, laws -
  • Making evaluation an integral part of the learning process.
  • Use assessment as a tool of learning and progress of the child.
  • Encouraging self-assessment as well as self-evaluation.
  • Making accurate decisions in the context of the development, learning process, learning speed and learning activities of the Fellows.
  • Eliminate examination related anxiety, fear, mental trauma, stress or phobia from students.
  • Making school-based evaluation permanent.
  • Discourage external examinations.
Use of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in Social Sciences - It is widely acknowledged that social science only disseminates information. This book is centered and requires it to be examined for examinations. Not only these books and their subject matter are daily It is considered to be irrelevant to reality. All these things have an effect like 'extravagant subject' of social science. In reality, these things are not true These are all things, therefore, arise because people are unfamiliar with the learning objectives of the social sciences.
How to use continuous and comprehensive evaluation in social science, first of all, it is important to understand the teaching objectives. National Focus Group on Teaching Social Science, i.e. National Science Center on Social Science Education Status, Primary and Upper Primary Social science at the level tells the following objectives of teaching -

At the primary level -

  • Developing observation, assessment and classification skills in a child.
  • Creating holistic development of the environment in the child while emphasizing the interpersonal relationships of the social environment.
  • Develop a sense of respect for differentiation and diversity and make the child aware of social issues.

At the upper primary level -

  • Develop an understanding of the earth as a living for human life and other living beings.
  • Introducing a student to study his region, region, and country in a global context.
  • Initiating the study of India's past in the perspective of other parts of the world.
  • To introduce the students to the functioning and mobility of the social and political institutions and processes of the country.
In addition to this, we get the painting in the classroom for continuous and comprehensive evaluation. This results in the fact that the children express themselves more independently and deeply through painting. Besides this, reading work also includes continuous and comprehensive evaluation Is helpful.

We also use the portfolio for continuous and comprehensive evaluation of children. This portfolio holds a record of progress and development of students throughout the school year. The portfolio is a record of actual work done by the student who helps us understand this. Does the child know how skillful he is, as well as from time to time touring the field of social science and Ryogatmk We also continuous and comprehensive evaluation of the students in your school through the test?


  1. Thank you, a billion times. It helped me through. I was all alone on my own without this blog.

    Wish to have IGNOU MEG 2nd years Assignments too if possible.
